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Data Analytics and Reporting Management

CCBHC Analytical Dashboards


The collection and reporting of CCBHC data and quality measures offer providers, states, and other stakeholders a method for assessing the way care is provided as well as charting the progress towards client improvement. Looking at the tasks of Care Coordination and Population Management, the need for data collection and reporting is complicated and is rarely available directly out of the medical record. Some of this is used internally as well as to provide accountability to grantors and regulatory entities for program evaluation. Quality measures can also be used as part of incentive programs involving Quality Bonus Payments (QBP’s) through the Prospective Payment System (PPS.)


iCentrix has extensive experience in developing automated implementations of the standard and non-standard CCBHC measures. Values of the measures are refreshed daily, allowing providers to generate the required reports automatically while providing the foundation for ongoing monitoring and continuous quality improvement.

Example of Interactive Dashboard for CCBHC - Follow-Up

·    Used to Identify measures, numerators, denominators and exclusions required to be reported separately by the contracting       authority
·    Includes details of dates and visit types, split by individual allowing for validation and verification
·    Identifies types of new visits while filters allow for reporting by age group and funding sources budget 
·    Filters and slicers split results by age groups and funding sources


Example depicts several dashboard KPI’s being used by a CCBHC Provider organization related to hospital discharges and follow-up required for care coordination and contract measures.

CCBHC by State 

CCBHC reporting differs from state to state and by payer. Variations are also dependent on how the submission was written and the goals looking to be achieved on behalf of their clients. It is understandable that the EMR solution provider can only offer a generalized reporting solution.  By working with iCentrix Analytics as your data innovation partner, you can now have total alignment which can be a game changer. 


iCentrix Analytics works with your team to automate all measures taking on the most difficult of your reporting requirements. 

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